Hospitals & Facilities
Hospital Risk Management Assessments

LAMMICO’s Risk Management and Patient Safety (RM) Department provides a holistic RM Assessment to improve the corporate risk profile. Our Hospital Risk Management and Quality Improvement (QI) Consultants understand the unique RM challenges faced by hospitals.
Consultative risk reduction interventions are available in the following areas:
Regulatory Risk
- EMTALA, ERISA, CMS Fraud & Abuse
Crime Risk
- Falsification, Patient Abuse
- Illegal use of drugs
- Employee/non-employee theft
Operational Risk
- Assessment and Consultation
- Evaluation of RM, Patient Safety and Quality Improvement programs
- Evaluation of CMS Preventable Medical Events
- Evaluation of Safety and Security programs
- Joint Commission preparation
- Claim analysis
- RAC Audit Assistance and Consultation
- Assistance with development/implementation of RAC Audit preparation program
- Establishment of systems to timely respond to RAC record requests
- Monitoring areas that may be subject to RAC review
- Assistance with implementation of compliance efforts
- Educational Products and Services
- On-call Risk Manager and on-call Attorney
- Incident reporting software including patient complaint tracking module
- Online Risk Management educational services and resources
- Continuing Medical Education (CME) & Continuing Nursing Education (CNE)
- Other online seminars, e.g., HIPAA, Insurance 101, Corporate Compliance, Practice Management/Clinic Operations
- Risk Management articles and alerts
- On-site Risk Management educational activities
- Tailored RM seminars and workshops on clinical and non-clinical risk management topics
Note: The above is not an all-inclusive list. For Risk Management services not addressed above, please contact the LAMMICO Risk Management and Patient Safety Department to discuss the specific needs of your hospital at 504.841.5211 or 800.452.2120.