Reporting a Claim

How to Report a Malpractice Claim or a Potential Claim

Promptly report malpractice incidents or liability notices from a sheriff, plaintiff's attorney or the Louisiana PCF.

LAMMICO is here to help!

Report a Claim
  1. Call 800.452.2120 to advise that you have a malpractice claim or incident to report.
  2. Our receptionist will ask for some basic information to ensure you connect with the appropriate Claim Representative. Our receptionist will also provide instructions on where to send a copy of pertinent documents.
  3. You will be redirected to an expert Claim Representative to walk you through every step of your reporting and claim processing.

For more information on how to report a claim, click here.​

Need to report a data or privacy breach?

LAMMICO policyholders are covered under our MEDEFENSE™ Plus/Cyber Liability Insurance.

Please report your claim using the steps outlined above.