MOC-Approved CME
Earn Credits

When nearly all of our online CME courses are eligible to satisfy MOC Part II requirements, it's easy to find substantive risk solutions that meet physicians' specialized needs.
The American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) and the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) have established two distinct databases for certified physicians to identify board approved educational activities that meet the Part II standards of MOC.
As Part II of the MOC requirements, these courses are available through our subsidiary risk management site, Medical Interactive Community (MI). While our courses may be accessed by any physician directly through MI, LAMMICO is pleased to pass on an additional no-cost benefit directly to those we insure when they access their Member Login.
LAMMICO Policyholders are Eligible for a Triple Benefit
By taking an MOC-approved course in your specialty, LAMMICO policyholders can potentially earn a triple benefit:
- MOC Credit - Continuing education credit satisfying multiple medical specialty board requirements
- CME Credit - Continuing Medical Education credit to satisfy state medical licensing requirements
- RM Credit - LAMMICO Risk Management Premium Discount Credit toward a 10% discount on the basic limits portion of your premium (after earning two credits)
Access MOC-Approved Courses as a LAMMICO Policyholder
Follow these instructions to access courses:
- Log in as a Member at
- In the Quick Links section of your Member dashboard, click "Online Education & Webinars"
- Look for your specialty board abbreviation in the course descriptions or click on the “Browse Catalog” tab and select “MOC Boards.” Select the Board(s) to access a list of all courses approved by that Board.